By Vicky
Like most people, I am busy looking after my work, the household and my family. So when it comes to physical exercise I will always find an excuse - no time, boring, exhausted. However when it comes to yoga, I seem to find it easy to commit. Yoga for me is a release. A release for my body after 10 hrs a day at a computer. A release from the demands of a family of 6. A release from the day to day strain of a special needs child. Yoga is my time to mend my body, my mind and my spirit so I can start the next day fresh, calm and with thoughts of gratefulness. Plus the added bonus of building body strength and reducing fat!!!
I have tried other yoga studios but what I love about Totally You Yoga is that it is never boring. The girls vary each and every class. They are excited to teach us and are extremely customer focused. Why wouldn’t I just keep coming back for more. Happy 1st anniversary, Totally You Yoga. Keep up the great work.
